Època IV
maig 2007
ISSN: 1988-2459

Europe's Geology on-line: The IGME 5000
The International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas (IGME 5000) is a major European geological GIS project being managed and implemented by the German Geological Survey (Federal Institute ...
Asch, Kristine - Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany

The geology of Naples megacity in the framework of the new geological survey of Naples sheet (CAR.G. project)
Naples urban territory lies on the eastern flank of the active Phlegrean Fields volcanic district. Its geological structure results from the interplay of several processes: volcanism, tectonics and vo...
Sbrana, Alessandro (Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa); Giulivo, Italo, Monti, Lucilla, D'Elia, Giusi (Assessorato Ambiente e Difesa Suolo, Settore Difesa del Suolo e Geotermia. Regione Campania); Miraglino, Paola (Servizio Sicurezza Geologica e del Sottosuolo. Comune di Napoli); Giordano, Francesco (Dipartimento Scienze per l'Ambiente. Università Parthenope Napoli); Isaia, Roberto (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. Osservatorio Vesuviano. Napoli); Luperini, Walter (Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa); Perrotta, Scarpati, Alessandro (Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra. Università di Napoli Federico II); Toccaceli, Romeo, Vietina, Marco (Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa)

Mapping the regional impact of climate change on coastal risks
Coastal hazards and risks are nowadays a growing concern in land management. Coasts are subject to erosion, landslides and marine flooding of low-lying land.
Moreover, these hazards and risks a...
Vinchon, Charlotte; Idier, Déborah; Garcin, Manuel; Balouin, Yann; Mallet, Cyrille; Closset, Luc (BRGM France); McInnes, Robin; Jakeways, Jenny; Fairbank, Helen (IWCCE, Isle of Wight Council, UK)

The 2005 Modification of GIT Geological Map of the Ocean Floor - an Effective Tool for the Prediction of the Most Powerful Earthquakes
An overall analysis of the occurrences of the most powerful registered earthquakes (MPREs) – of a magnitude 8.5 and higher – makes it possible to trace the geological similarity of the areas whe...
Parubets, Nicolas - Granton Institute of Technology (GIT)